Today Harvard president and his wife test positive for Coronavirus. Bacow said, they both began working from home on March 14. Stay home for work but still get Coronavirus! What should we do now?!
Bacow also said he's not sure how he and his wife contracted the virus, but said far fewer people crossed our paths recently than is usually the case. Harvard Coronavirus case indicates we may not know where the COVID-19 is attached and spread. Moreover we even may not know when we contact the Coronavirus, so if I wear a face mask , does it prevent the COVID-19? Do face masks work against Coronavirus?
Summary: This blog gives you complete guide for 'do face masks work?': whether you need a Face Mask, how the CDC & NHS says about Coronavirus. Also, it introduces you other ways you should do to stop the infection spreading.
Part 1: What is Corona virus?
Coronaviruses (COVID-19) are single-stranded positive sense RNV virus, which can infect both human and animals.
In most cases, Coronavirus will arouse a high temperature and continuous cough in 14 days.
You may feel hot to touch on your chest or head (you can measure your temperature by thermometer), or get bad to breathe. However, there also exists some cases that the infested people have no symptoms suddenly fainting.
What Should You Do If You Feel Sick
Depict video: What Should You Do If You Feel Sick
With the increasing number of infected people and death, more and more citizens raise the question: Do face masks work against Corona virus?
Part 2: Do Face Masks Work Against Coronavirus
With the increasing number of infected people and death, more and more citizens raise the question: Do face masks work against Corona virus?
Image board: Global number of deaths and infected cases.
Officials Statements About Do Face Masks Work: CDC, NHS
How CDC Says About do Face Masks work?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced conventional capacity strategies and contingency capacity strategies to say:
“When such exposure are anticipated, FDA-Cleared surgical masks are designed to protect against sprays and splashes. But some face masks are typically used for isolation purposes, may not provide protection against sprays.”
“Extended use of face masks is the practice of wearing the same face mask for repeated close contact encounters with several different patients, without removing the face mask between patient encounters.”
Image board: CDC: Wear a right face mask for Coronavirus exposure
Face Masks Work or not? - NHS and TO-DO Lists to Stop Infection Spreading
UK started to apply lockdown policy, so everyone staying at home surely can avoid the annoy of face masks wearing.
But the UK government allows people to shop for essentials and do some exercises. In these situation, NHS lists 5 must-do’s things:
- 1) wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
- 2) use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
- 3) cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
- 4) put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
- 5) stay 2 metres (3 steps) away from other people, if you need to go outside
Why You Need A Face Mask(n95 and surgical masks)
First of all, if you a infected person, you have responsibility to isolate the infection spreading, so n95 or surgical masks are good for you and others.
In addition, similar Coronaviruses are spread in cough droplets. Face masks can protect you from Coronavirus.
Moreover, Coronavirus can attach on your hands, faces, also on doornobs, toilet. So sometimes, you might be infected inconsciently.
Furthermore, with the fast spread of Coronavirus and the increasing number of infected people, you don’t know people sitting next to you, whether he is real health or he has contacted with someone who has Coronavirus.
Therefore, if you need to go out, remember don’t touch your face! In the situation, it’s better to wear a face masks (n95 and surgical masks) to stop spreading virus from others, especially when you are in public and crowded area. Video:guidelines-for-wearing-masks
Depict video: Guidelines for wearing masks
Part 4: Guide to Wear a Face Mask Right
When and How to Use Face Masks?
What Type of Face Masks I should Wear?
Depict video: What Type of Face Masks I should Wear?
Part 5: Other Ways to Protect You From Coronavirus
Depict video: Other ways to prevent Coronavirus
Washing Hands at Least 20 seconds
You need to lather your hands rubbing them together with soap. Lather the back of your hands, between fingers, and under nails.
Image board: Washing hands correctly with 9 steps
The Bottom Line
In Coronaviruse pandemic, to stop spreading virus and infection, it’s better for you to wash your hands for at least 20s, stay 2 meters away from others, and if possible, wear a correct face masks.
We also encourage you to make a poster and video about Coronavirus prevention to publicize the correct Coronavirus information and prevention guide, saving and protecting more people from the virus.
Image board: CDC: Make Your COVID-19 Poster